When I watched the pilot last summer I was very careful not to expect the next OC; no matter how many times a TV critic would inevitably make comparisons. I prepared myself for Josh and Stephanie’s excellent writing, but that was it. I didn’t set my expectations too low or too high. I bought the first book when the making of the pilot was announced. It was a very fast and easy read (again, I’m not 14) and I quickly purchased and read book two. I bought the third book, but ended up seeing the pilot before reading it. I liked it. I even liked it more than the books. Yes, things were changed, but I appreciated that the TV show wasn’t so dark. I found the books to be kind of disturbing. I was so far removed from that crazy lifestyle and the books had such detail. But the TV show? I could get down with that. It became less real for some reason when it came to life. Less real and more acceptable. Go figure. I eagerly waited for the season to begin. Then it did. So what went wrong?
I have no freaken clue what went wrong other than I’m not as into the teen drama genre as I one was. That argument kind of loses traction when I declare my love for Greek. Seriously, if you haven’t seen it go and watch. Love it! Back to GG…when I discuss the show the next morning with friends and coworkers, I can get into it. There are scenes I do honestly love. A major problem is that I love the adult storylines and the CW audience is so not into that. When will Josh and Stephanie write the adult drama I keep waiting for? And then, more importantly, when will they call and hire me to help write the drama? I can be ready now. I’ll just change into jeans because these work pants are too long and must be worn with 3 inch heels and I so want to change into jeans and sneakers. So yeah. Problem one is my interest in the adult stuff outweighs my interest in the teen stuff. Problem two is that so much happens each week it gets so over the top. I can only suspend so much disbelief before I get annoyed. Which is why I find it so weird how much I love Chuck? Talk about over the top! But bring it on. Chuck, Blair and Nate in a scene together always makes me laugh and enjoy the show. Maybe I just don’t like Serena and Dan? They are kind of boring. Serena killed someone? Please, wake me when that’s interesting and believable.
I’m going to watch the finale tonight and probably talk about it with excitement tomorrow. The excitement will be genuine. This makes me think, had there been one show this season that I absolutely adored and craved each week, then I think I’d appreciate Gossip Girl for the fun show it’s meant to be. As I continue to search for my next favorite show I’m putting too much pressure and setting my expectations too high for shows that are meant to be soapy and over the top, but most importantly, fun to watch. I’ve lost sight of that, but tonight I’ll sit back and enjoy the episode. XOXO
1 comment:
hello cousin. i enjoy your musings. i do have to second that though i've been watching/enjoying gg, it's just not the same experience as the oc. i wonder what part of it is due to the fact that i mostly watch it alone? the "serena killed someone" episode was 100 times greater because it ended at midnight for me and i watched it with two friends. the other thing that makes gg so enjoyable is the nymag.com recaps. serious humor there. but i did really find myself missing the cohens. i keep trying to tell myself that they're not real. but i guess to me, they really are. they're out there in berkeley and i need to believe that. gg isn't so real to me. but sharp. and i don't think that i'll ever love a villain the way i loved julie cooper. i'm realizing that i have way more to say about this than i though. maybe we should just get a fresh marg to discuss:)
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