Remember Jules Asner? She cohosted E! News way back when. She just had a book published, "Whacked." Honestly, it was a very fast read, witty and clever- perfect for the summer and not quite chick lit (whew). I won't reveal the ending because it's an ending that surprised me and once I accepted it, I thought it was hysterical, a little shocking and glad she went there and stayed with it (speaking of revealing things, Jules hosted Revealed with Jules Asner on E! also way back when).
Dani Hale writes for the TV show Flesh and Bone which is similar to CSI. Dani loves all things forensic science related, and stalking. As soon as she discovers her boyfriend has been cheating on her she really ups her stalking skills. She then continues to stalk current potential suitors via their email accounts. Her love of crime shows has definitely shaped her world and thinking in every way possible. Dani is crazy but oddly likeable.
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