I'm not sure why this popped into my head today, but it did. When I was about 6 or 7 I loved the ball pit at Chuck e Cheese's. Loved it. At least, that's what I say. Truth is I'm not so sure how I felt about it. I recall one time (the time that shaped all future ball pit adventures) standing on the edge ready to jump in when my sister shouted, "Don't go in the middle or you will drown." Say what? Plastic balls in a dry pit, I know. But she was my older sister and therefore wiser? But I couldn't not jump because she was right there in the middle with some friends. I was too cool or too stupid to let a silly thing like drowning get in the way. If I knew the word crap I'm sure I whispered it before taking the leap. All I can remember is trying to get above the balls and to the side as fast as I could. I turned back to show my sister that I was still alive. Look at me! Yeah, she was already off to the corner not even caring about me. Nice. Who would've saved me? And had she been joking why didn't she wait to see the end of the joke? Didn't she assume I would've freaked out tossing plastic balls all over the place trying to get to the side? Because that is how it panned out.
Now, if I want to be all philosophical about it or as Emilio said to Louanne Johnson in Dangerous Minds, "Oh what now you're trying to psychologize me?" maybe I would link that fear of jumping in and drowning to writing. Trying a whole new career without knowing what the end will be but trusting that I will make it ok on my own.
But eh, I'm not that deep. I probably thought of the ball pit because my nephew mentioned Chuck E Cheese's as a possible birthday party location next October. Gotta love a kid that pre plans so far in advance!
Almost the end of February and no snow. Did I just jinx the whole thing? Apologies if we are all digging out of 4 feet of snow this weekend. Could be worse...could be digging through plastic balls:)
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