Thursday, February 28, 2008

Coldplay's Next Album!

What does it say about me when I get even more excited about Coldplay's next album just from the following sentence: "The lyrics are darker, dealing with recurring themes of death and loneliness."

Rolling Stone went behind the scenes with Chris Martin and the band to discuss the fourth album. Here's the link to that article - Coldplay-4th-album

Once, an intern walked over to my cubicle and said he too likes "Got Put A Smile Upon My Face" and asked if I knew they (Coldplay) had other songs...whole albums? Heh. I got the point, but to be fair I didn't realize I had played it so many times that day. Maybe that doesn't make it fair, but he was an intern. So shut up. And get me coffe and copy things for me. Just kidding. He was cool. How could he not be...he liked Coldplay.

Not sure when the album will be released, but I hope the following song makes the final cut:
"'Reign of Love' A lovely layered compostition of piano, bass and organ that backs fairytale lyrics."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Didnt you see Coldplay with Linsay, Mary kate and Ashley?