Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Two Flights up in Fiction/Literature

This morning I read about CW ordering a pilot based on the Zoey Dean book "How To Teach Filthy Rich Girls." The book is about a recent Yale graduate who loses her job, rather quickly, at a tabloid magazine and gets a gig tutoring two rich heiresses in Palm Beach. All goes well and she can get her 75 grand student loan debt taken care of. However the high school heiresses are like Paris and Lindsay so getting them to score high on the SATs and do well in their classes isn't going to be easy. Lucky me, I just finished a book and I am in need of a light read before picking up a new book this weekend. I know the name Zoey Dean and know her books are similar to "Gossip Girl" books. At least I think they are. I know she has a teen series out there and the covers are similar to all of the other teen series covers. Yes, I'm judging books by covers. I also read the first page and a half of a book and then pick a page at random, usually more towards the front of the book, and read a few sentences. It's how I choose a book if I've picked one up that I haven't seen in a review or heard anyone mention. Most of the time my strategy works.

Where was I? Right. CW pilot. I went to Barnes and Noble during lunch. On the way I walked by that electric fountain thing they have at Rockefeller. It's ummm large. I think I need to see it at night and then I'll find it cool and interesting. And then there I am at the bookstore and I go right downstairs to the teen section. I can't find the book. It's from July 2007, but it's not part of any of the Dean series so I'm thinking it's sold out. Waste of time. I could be at work enjoying lunch and watching Flight of the Conchords with the coworkers. I decide to ask a sales person, just in case it's on a clearance table or something. I'm told it's two flights up in fiction and literature. I suddenly feel better about buying the book! I mention that to the sales girl and she doesn't react so either she's insulted because she loves The A List Series or she just lacks a personality.

I'm about 50 pages into the book and while calling it literature is a stretch, it is a good book. The protagonist is so far likable. The writing is smart and hip. I think a decent show can be made based on this book. It's being done by Alloy Entertainment ("Gossip Girl") with Rina Mimoun as the Exec Producer/Creator. Rina has written for Gossip, Everwood and even an episode of Gilmore Girls, along with other things. I'm not the targeted demo, but if it's good, I'll watch.

Time seems to be flying by. We are already in March. I don't want to rush the month but I can't wait for March 24th. Greek and The Hills return. Woo!

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