Tuesday, May 27, 2008

House - Season 4 Finale

I whine a lot about TV being shitty - great shows turning terrible, nothing at the end of an episode to make me pray the week speeds by to see the next new episode, characters being assassinated, blah blah blah. Well now I'm here to praise a show. In case the title of this post didn't clue you in, it's House. I just tonight watched the season finale and loved it. Yes it was depressing as hell, but that's how I like my shows. I just want to feel something when I watch a show. I want to cry, laugh and get angry like my friends, I mean the characters, in the situations. House delivered all of that. What will become of his friendship with Wilson? Cuddy was curled up in the chair and holding House's hand. Cry. I was getting mad at Wilson and then crying with and for him.  The note on the bed? Cry more. 13 tested positive, how long does she have?
I only started watching House this season. I've heard people rave about it, I'd tune in and be grossed out by the surgeries. This season I heard Olivia Wilde was joining the cast so I gave it another try. I loved it. For Christmas I received previous seasons on DVD and still need to catch up. But I've been slowly getting through the old episodes. The funny thing is some people who have been fans since day one didn't like this season so much because of all the changes and the "Survivor" like game that was played for a lot of episodes. I can respect that. However I for one couldn't get enough of the show. So why did I wait until now to watch the finale? I don't know. I'm slow like that. I also had to watch all of the episodes since the post strike season started. Which sucks even more now that it's over for the season. I had fun with my mini marathon of new episodes. 
This is the first show that has me excited for next season. I'll be happy to have a lot of shows returning with new episodes in the fall, but House has moved to the top of the list as my favorite finale and most anticipated return. Which is funny since it didn't have a big cliffhanger ending. Ah well. Lucky for me, I have those dvds to watch with "new" episodes. This whole watching a show backwards is new to me. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Kristen Robbins Warren said...

i wish i enjoyed medical dramas. my favorite quote from this was "when my friends--i mean the characters--" sigh. it makes me miss watching quality television with you.