Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring, Johnson & Johnson and Kyle Chandler

There’s nothing better than 70+ degree weather and blue skies! Ok, if I want to find the negative, I will point out the lack of leaves on the trees. Perhaps make it personal and point out I’m stuck in a cubicle all day - sans windows, so who cares about outside? But nobody likes a Debbie Downer. So I sit, smile, daydream, venture out during lunch and also wait for cigarette breaks. No, I don’t smoke. However, a few years back I realized smokers get random 5-10 minutes breaks during the day. No questions asked. Having no desire to take up smoking I still wanted a plan to get in on this action. It was simple thanks to Starbucks popping up on every city corner. Once or twice a week around 3-ish, I’ll walk across the street, get some not really needed caffeine and take in some sun. I do come back to my cubicle happier and more productive because there’s more of a want to get out on time!

I don’t usually say, “You need to buy this!” but here goes….Johnson & Johnson makes a 2-in-1 moisturizer and shave lotion. I was a bit skeptical when I read in Self Magazine (or maybe Instyle?) that no additional moisturizer is needed. I don’t have dry skin, but what girl doesn’t like really soft and smooth skin and in one step? I gave it a try and holy heavens, it works. The extra bonus is there’s no country apple cucumber orange peel gardenia smell to it. The end of the day and my legs are still smooth. So head over to your local drug store and buy some. You won’t be disappointed. And as a girl who leaves no extra time in the morning, it’s nice to skip that extra moisturizer step.

Saving the best for last…Kyle Chandler. Today, Pop Candy included this link and now I’m including it in case anyone hasn’t stumbled across it yet. NPR interview with Kyle "Coach Taylor" Chandler.
FNL season two wasn’t great, lots of fumbles, but came yards to score big time in the end. That’s the best I can do with football metaphors! Yeah, they suck. But Kyle does not. So do like I did, plug headphones into the computer and work as you enjoy his voice in your ear :)


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