Sunday, February 24, 2008

To Target or not to Target?

I'm disappointed in the Target circular, or rather weekly ad as they call it, this week. Knowing that I'm saving money and not dropping the usual $40-ish bucks at Target on a Sunday should make me happy; it does not. I love Target and don't like not having a reason to go. You see, when I'm there for something I need or my shampoo that I don't need more of but the sale is so good...I inevitably end up making careless purchases that do bring me happiness. Just going with the purpose of making careless purchases cannot be justified. At all.

I suppose I'll go to the library and focus on writing. Yes, library and not
a hip coffee house. I live on Long Island and we just don't roll that way. We have Starbucks after Starbucks, but I always feel like sitting in one makes me want to come off as pretentious in the eyes of the coffee drinkers meeting up It's really not a look I can or want to convey. I had no problem sitting and writing in the Starbucks a block away from my apartment when I was living in the city. One gets cool points added to their daily tally for doing that in NYC.

My other reason for going to the library is simple- I don't think I'll be able to connect to the internet. I checked and the libraries say the have wireless connections (it's Long Island not some backwards out of touch with modern technology area). It's just the library sites mention filling out some card or something to connect. That's all I need is to give in my last name and set off alarms for all the books the Nestors never did return. I'm sure the library would go into
immediate lock down and the scary elderly woman behind the counter would demand payment. Since I have the 40-ish bucks that are not being spent at Target I'd have to fork it over. Damn. Therefore I won't attempt to connect and will be forced to write. Sounds like a decent plan. But can I bring coffee into the library? Hmmm.

The picture above is from "Better Off Dead." That paperboy might be the only debt collector scarier than a librarian!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hi Carolyn! Thanks for your comment, and for reading my blog!